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About Us

Leslie Pope, or you may know her better as “Twisted Sistah”, has a passion for beads and fibers that she loves to share with others. As a fashion design major at Drexel University, she managed to work beads into most of her creations, including her senior design collection of beaded knitwear which won her the J.W. Smith Most Saleable Daywear Award.

Leslie became Twisted Sistah when she opened her traveling/web-based bead business in 2002 and hasn’t looked back since. Her business is devoted to beads and fibers, and offers a wide range of seed beads, threads and supplies that support the creation of beaded wearable art. As Twisted Sistah, Leslie has exhibited and taught various classes up and down the East Coast.

Her love for her craft is contagious, as her ever-growing list of happy customers will attest.